Sie sind ein gewerblicher Käufer? Dann registrieren Sie sich jetzt ganz einfach in wenigen Schritten! Ihre persönlichen Zugangsdaten zum BCA Marktplatz erhalten Sie innerhalb von 48 Stunden.
In order to get registered the customer master data sheet will be requested and a copy of the chamber of commerce
It will take you a maximum of 2 minutes
Our team will call you to ensure that you have all the necessary information to start buying with us.
Within 48 hours, you will receive a welcome email with your personal login details.
Hier erhalten Sie weitere Details zur Registrierung.
Only professional buyers of the automotive industry are allowed to buy online at BCA.
To complete your registration, you will need to provide:
In addition to the local documents requirements, you need to provide a valid European VAT number.
Please note that the company status or other documents related to our activity might be required. They should be translated in English if the assigned team can't read/understand the original language used (i.e. Cyrillic alphabet).
Rufen Sie uns an +49 (0) 2131 3100-0 oder schicken Sie uns eine E-Mail.