Sell at BCA

The right partner for your used cars remarketing

360° Remarketing

The BCA marketplace offers you numerous possibilities for selling used vehicles. The innovative and efficient BCA auction gathers used car professionals from all over Europe. Our BCA marketplace speeds up your used car business. Due to our high auction frequency - more than 30 on-site and online auctions with more than 1.500 bidders per week in Germany - you will benefit from a high conversion rate, efficient and audit-proof processes and a significantly reduced effort for your employees. Our great strength? Many years of experience. The BCA experts will assist you in all aspects concerning the remarketing of your vehicles.

Our Service? Full-Service!

As a full-service provider, BCA ensures a smooth and audit-proofed processing of transactions and supports you before, during and after a vehicle transaction. Our services include consultancy, inventory management, fleet and pool car administration, invoicing, document handling and much more. BCA reduces administrative effort and gives a significant contribution to the optimization of your purchase and sales results.

You have questions about the possibilities and conditions on the BCA marketplace? Please contact us.



Sales fees*  

For four-week access to the BCA marketing channels (BCA market access)

€ 35 (per vehicle)
Sales prices:  
Surcharge up to € 1,000 (gross) € 129 (per vehicle)
Surcharge € 1,001 – € 4,000 (gross) € 159 (per vehicle)
Surcharge over € 4,001 (gross) € 199 (per vehicle)


Service fees*  
Cancellation fee:  
For marketing orders that were cancelled after vehicles had
already been delivered to BCA location
 € 70 (per vehicle)
Service flat rate:  
Service flat rate in the event of exchanging a
wheel for a spare wheel
€ 8
Service flat rate for filling up a vehicle (incl. 5 l fuel) € 29,50
Parking fees:
From the sixth bank working day after cancellation of a
marketingorder (per parking day and vehicle)
€ 12,50
From the sixth bank working day after vehicle delivery to BCA and
missing vehicle documents (per parking day and vehicle)
€ 12,50
From the sixth bank working day after expiry of the BCA marketaccess (per parking day and vehicle) and failure to collect vehicle
or transport order at BCA Autoauktionen GmbH
€ 12,50

As of 07/2015
*All fees are exclusive VAT.
Differing conditions will be communicated in the respective auction catalogue.

Start selling on the BCA marketplace!

You want to offer your used cars on the BCA marketplace?
We are looking forward to manage your vehicles!

Please just fill out our online-form and check your information for correctness and completeness! Known damages must be given including the amount and extent.

After reviewing your marketing request, you will get an confirmation-e-mail or will be contacted by our BCA customer service to clearify further details. For assigning your vehicles to an auction as soon as possible, we ask you to deliver your vehicles and documents upon receipt of confirmation immediately:

BCA Autoauktionen GmbH
Floßhafenstraße 29
41455 Neuss 

Sell at BCA

You need further information?

Please contact our sales team by phone +49 (0) 2131 3100 0 or send an e-mail.